Participate in a Study

We are currently recruiting children to help us with the following studies!
Click “Register” to sign-up for study communication.
Click “Contact us” if you would like to get in touch for more information or have any questions.

Babies’ Brain Responses to Strangers Study

Location: UCSC campus, Social Sciences 2, 710 College Ten Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

We are conducting an in-person study on UCSC campus to learn how infants’ brain activity differs in response to people of familiar and unfamiliar ethic-racial background using EEG. We are looking for families with infants ages 7- to 12- months old.

Toddlers’ Responses to Strangers Study

Location: UCSC campus, Social Sciences 2, 710 College Ten Rd, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

We are conducting an in-person study on UCSC campus to learn how toddlers socially respond to people of familiar and unfamiliar races. We are looking for families with children ages 13- to 24- months old.